
Ye Olde Biographical Detail

C.J. Williams is a writer, adventurer, and wonderer. She is cliff-jumper figuratively (and sometimes literally), and she knows that creativity is the foundation for everything. 

She has studied philosophy at Boston College, Literature and Italian and Russian at Catholic University of America, Artificial Intelligence, Cryptography, and Narrative Structure in Neuroscience at MIT (quite unofficially), and learns every day by listening.

She writes fairy tales, essays, scripts, reflections, poems; sketches birds and characters and friends; composes melodies for ukulele; and prays and plays as much as she can.

Nothing she does is ever as good as she hopes or imagines, and so it is exceptionally good that humans are beings, not doings, and her adventures involve good friends as well as good solitudes.


You can support Miss Williams’ creative endeavors, the quarterly journal on wit & wonder & small, Shiki’s Strings, and a 2022 short film, by signing up on her Patreon here: 

Become a Patron!

“Listen, child,” said the woman, “I’m a child snatcher, but I’ve never snatched a brat from a dragon. And I think you’ve done good here. Though if what you’ve said is true, can’t the same be said for yer folks off down thataway. Maybe you was meant to learn to breathe fire, eh?” And without a pause, because it came to her tongue like a spark to dry peat, Rieg said, “I do breathe fire, so.”

upcoming novel, 2022